Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

Soon after I lost my first baby, I began to wonder when I could or should start trying to get pregnant again. There were so many unknowns and questions about getting pregnant after miscarriage:

  • How soon after a miscarriage can I get pregnant?
  • What will it be like getting pregnant after a miscarriage?
  • How will I feel emotionally during pregnancy after miscarriage?

It was an emotionally complex time of grieving my first loss while simultaneously desiring to have a baby in my arms. I found that grief and hope coexist. Not only do they coexist, they can be tightly intertwined.

How Soon After a Miscarriage Can You Get Pregnant?

You may be wondering, How soon after a miscarriage can I get pregnant? Generally, there is no specific amount of time a woman needs to wait to get pregnant after a miscarriage, however, there are factors that should be discussed with your healthcare provider that could require waiting to “try again.”

Your healthcare provider needs to be consulted before you begin trying again if you:

  • have had two or more miscarriages
  • experienced fertility issues
  • are over the age of 35
  • have an illness that may affect your pregnancy
  • experienced medical complications with your miscarriage

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

If you feel physically and emotional ready to try getting pregnant, connect with your healthcare provider for guidance and support. A woman can ovulate and become pregnant as soon as 2 weeks after a loss. A study by the National Institutes of Health finds no reason for delaying pregnancy attempts after a loss without complications. Couples who wait less than 3 months to try to conceive again after a loss, have the same chances if not more, of having a healthy pregnancy and baby.

The Chances of Having Another Miscarriage

Although there are different factors and considerations, about 85% of women will have a successful pregnancy after experiencing one miscarriage. For women who have experienced two or three miscarriages, their chances of having a successful subsequent pregnancy is about 75%.

Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Pregnancy after a miscarriage can be difficult mentally and emotionally. Anxiety is common for many women during their subsequent pregnancies, even when they are healthy ones. There are many great resources to help build a supportive community while you are pregnant after loss. It is important to be able to openly discuss your feelings and worries whether it is with a trusted friend, family member, counselor, pastor or online loss group. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation or reach out for emotional help.

Trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage can be a tender, anxiety-filled time. The most helpful thing I did to help me emotionally and mentally was to write bible Scriptures on 3×5 cards and tape them all over my house.

My favorite bible verse for this time was:

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!

— Luke 2:45

As always, I am here to talk as well. You are loved, momma.

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